2006/11/06 | something about my new school
类别(My diary) | 评论(0) | 阅读(137) | 发表于 22:10

As I entered this university, something made me a little disaapointed.

I don't know how to express my emotions exactly, because I lived a boring life.

Every day is the same, gets up late at 9o'clock, then goes to the classroom to study english.

Perhaps the process of study is boring, especially there's only one boy in our class. I don't know why I have always been classified into the class. Amazing~~~~~~~

Some of my friends asked me about my study, I told them that it was easy for me ,but , the fact is those courses are hard, especially the second language--Japanese. Sometimes, I was wondering  about my graduation, my job,my life!!!!!!! In a word, I was a diffident girl. It's not good for me, I knew it, but it was hard for me,perhaps for everyone to change,once we formed our own personality, it's really hard to change. We formed our own personality without noticed how they formed. 

Well, something useless, just because I didn't update it for such a long time.

There's a word in my lesson I liked it very much " drifting leaves, from nowhere". It means the coming winter is close to us.

Ok, that's all for my boring life in the new school. Over. No matter how, the sun still rises and sets everyday, we can't change life, try to get used to it.

If there's some improper words or grammer, tell me,hehe,thanks.



My diary[174]